Your independent travel and culture magazine, celebrating Romania through curated tips and stories.

Editor’s Picks

Rominimal: A Musical Product

On one hand, rominimal is a subgenre of electronic dance music born within the Romanian scene, which has seen remarkable worldwide expansion. On the other hand, the concept has lost its original meaning. But like any myth, this one too has its own story.

Words: Dragoș Rusu | Illustration: Sorina Vazelina | September 2024

My Taste of Transylvania

I came to Taste of Transylvania, a gastronomic festival, to plunge into the unfamiliar – which showed that Transylvania, at least that weekend, was terroir, not territory; an instrument for promoting multiculturalism.

Words: Adriana Sohodoleanu | Photos: Adorjan Trucza | June 2024

Sfântu Gheorghe: VENI, VIDI, AMAVI

Everyone has their own piece of paradise. Sfântu Gheorghe is mine, this village where the Danube kisses the sea. Light outlines every detail, giving it life and form. My annual journey here takes place in August – a week of films, sea, fish, and figs.

Words: Anca Dumitrescu | Photos: Alice Voinea | August 2024